Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sweet Puppy Love

There is something about the presence of a dog.  You never feel alone, and though its cliche, it's true that they offer the most unconditional love.  Baxter is 6 but still runs around like a maniac puppy dog. I love him. My whole family loves him. We do crazy stuff for him like hand feed him food, or heat up left over chicken breast just for him even when no one else is eating. We walk him, take him for "bu-bye" rides, and let him romp all over the beds. He's the King, no doubt about it. I mean, how can you resist this face!?

I think my favorite aspect of having a dog is you can come home after the longest day ever, and they will greet you with such joy and happiness. Then you can leave to run an errand for 10 minutes and return, and they still greet you with the same amount of happiness, like they haven't seen you in years even though it has been minutes. A pup always gives you something to look forward to.

I came across an article on Facebook about what is really in our dog's food and it got me thinking.  I grabbed Baxter's bag of bones and looked the the ingredients... wheat, sugar, salt, chicken flavor?...and a ton of ingredients I couldn't even pronounce.  I'm not saying it's all bad, but why all the extra stuff?? So I did some research and came across a few recipes and ingredients totally safe for dogs, so I gave it a go! These were SO EASY and cheap... you have all this stuff at your cabinets at all times anyways (minus pumpkin, but easy to pick up at the store).  So here goes:

3 cups flour, 1/2 cup oats and 2 tbsp cinnamon, mixed in a bowl

Then, combine a can of pumpkin (15oz), 3 tbsp of natural peanut butter and two eggs

Mix wet with dry to form the dough. It's so stick so I had to flour my counter top first before rolling them out with my marble rolling pin.

I wish I had dog bone cookie cutters but I don't so I used candy canes--half for the holiday season coming, and half because Baxter really likes long treats he can hold on to.

I baked them for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, and done! It made about 25-30 biscuits!! And the ingredients all together cost less than $10.  They were easy and they made the kitchen smell great! The best thing is, I know with confidence that I could take a bite of them and it's all natural food that's good for my pup! You could alter the recipe and add chicken pieces, apples, sweet potato, or other "dog safe" ingredients. I wanted to make a yogurt frosting but didn't have plain, fat free yogurt on hand... maybe next time!

I thinnnkkkk they were a hit!!

So to all the dog lovers out there, give these a try! You'll save some money and make your dog very happy!

In all it was a good weekend, and I am excited to continue my cake & cake pop order for a boy's 11th birthday, details soon!!


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