Sunday, January 12, 2014

Congratulations! You're Half Way to 50! Have a Cupcake..

There is a trend among my friends and peers right now.. and it's, dare I say it... turning twenty five. 25. Two-Five. A quarter of a century.  Half way to 50. What?? Yup. It's happening.

I have to say, this "milestone" number doesn't have me too worked up.. I actually feel like I am in my prime! I feel healthier, happier, stronger, smarter and more confident now than I did when I was 18, or 21.  Things are happening! Life is getting exciting! There is no slowing down, and the only way to go is up! So, a word for all my twenty something friends and readers out there-- don't fear the joining of these two numbers... the best is yet to come!

I made some cupcakes for a high school peer who was celebrating her sister-in-law's 25th birthday this weekend.. They came out all sorts of glizty and glam with some flowers and fondant accents.  Let me tell you, butter cream comes out AMAZING in the winter, when the house is hot! This butter cream was out of this world.. I'm tempted to go in my fridge and get one of the leftovers I have in there just thinking about that damn butter cream. YUM. It's all I can say.  These cupcakes were fun, I played with different tips like closed star, open star, rose tip, and an open coupler.  I am not a cupcake master yet, but I think these turned out cute!

So here are the pretty cupcakes.

Also, my friend&coworker Becky celebrated her 25th on Saturday!  We drank wine and took shots of whiskey and shared bites of cake pops. It was raining and humid out and it didn't matter that the cherry chocolate cake pops were melting, it was chocolate, and cherries. Maraschino cherries.. fresh, with juice and all..baked in cake and mixed with that awesome amazing butter cream I just went on and on about above..  Not sure what it was this weekend, but my baking was just on and I was loving it!

Happy Birthday Becky!!

And there are still more 25th to celebrate soon!  My best friend Maureen is at the end of the month, then mine shortly after that.  I think I'll have to bake for myself? How does that work!?

I hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was amazing and relaxing--and I got to visit my cousin aka sister Anastasia today which was lovely!  Time to finish up these boring Golden Globes before hitting the hay, another week is upon us, people! Make it a good one :)


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