Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Oh, How Sweet it is To Be Loved

Love is in the air!

I LOVE this time of year. I know I am totally crazy for saying that right? Mother Nature has been pissed off for over three weeks, dumping snow on us every other day causing all types of chaos but I don’t really care because I still love the month of February!
Not only is it my birthday this coming weekend, but it’s Valentine’s Day! Louis and I don’t usually do too much for V-Day.. Last weekend we took a trip to NYC and spent two nights eating the finest foods and walking at least ten miles a day to sight-see and just revel in the excitement of the city!  That was supposed to be our Valentines Day gift to each other but this morning he impulsively told me to make reservations at Barcelona Wine Bar Saturday night for dinner.. What!! I am so spoiled! 
I love Valentine’s because it is the best time of year for baking! I have so much fun with cakes, cookies, cake pops all in lovely pinks and reds with decadent flavors such as red velvet cinnamon and chocolate raspberry.  I have many orders in the works for the next few months.. so I decided to get into the spirit a few days early by sharing some sugar cookies I did last weekend. 

These were for a Valentine’s Day themed baby shower! How adorable, right?  

The more I practice flooded cookies, the better I get for sure. I love doing it, but it certainly is labor intensive and requires so much patience! I don’t want to let them dry I just want to keep going!! 

Tonight I get to work on another fun order of cupcakes for a catering company who is putting on a Valentine’s Day beer tasting in Springfield, MA! Can’t wait to share!
Stay warm, people of New England! It may be snowy but love will keep you warm! 


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