Monday, August 11, 2014

Romantic Saccharine

Any man reading this post right now – grab a pen and take notes.

When you want to impress a woman, you don’t need to buy her fancy, expensive gifts.
You don’t need to plan an extravagant weekend getaway to be spontaneous.
You don’t need to spend $500 on a dinner to prove your love for her. 

I mean yes, those things are NICE. And we won’t say no. Noooo we definitely won’t say no.. but thoughtfulness goes further.

A LOT further.

Here is some advice.. We love chocolate. We love cake. We love flowers and roses. We love gifts that are thoughtful. We love unique things made ONLY for us. A single creation. A single copy.  Only one made in the whole world, made with only one person in mind.

So to all you gentlemen out there who are looking for a way into that special lady’s heart, get there the way my coworker recently did, with a custom, romantic cake.

I swear, I wouldn't lead you in the wrong direction.  I am not sure of a single woman in this world who would hate this gift of luscious chocolate cake iced in French vanilla butter cream roses.

So just show up after work, with this pale pink cake a pretty little box, and let it speak for itself.  Maybe include a card too..

It’s a win. This one certainly was. It’s guaranteed. I promise :)


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