Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tiger Pride

On Sunday we celebrated my cousin Eric's graduation from high school!  Eric is a gifted artist who plans to attend Rochester Institute of Technology, where he will study a very prestigious program for Medical Illustration. 

It was a great time for all and so nice to see my entire family together!

My aunt is the ultimate party planner, and she put together a great "tiger themed" celebration in honor of the soon to be "RIT Tiger!" 

 My cousin Renee used her talents to do some cake pops!

And I provided the Tiger cake! 

I have to admit, this was one of the most moist and delicious chocolate fudge cakes I have ever done. I even added dark chocolate morsels to the batter to add texture to the cake, and it was so good!  Frosting was a true buttercream with french vanilla Bailey's creamer... my secret weapon for the most delicious buttercream :)

A big congratulations to my cousin, we are all so proud of him and he is destined to do (and draw!) great things! 

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