Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Five Ingredient Protein Bars

Adulthood has taught me a lot of things... life isn't as fun as when you were a kid; the real world is expensive; there are bad days (weekdays) and good days (weekends); the littlest things will make your day (like a Reese's cup.. or a bottle of wine). I think the most important thing I've learned so far though, is in order to be successful you need the right tools for the job.  You can try your damn hardest at something and give it your all but without the correct tools, whether they be physical tools or metaphorical tools (support, confidence) it can't be done.

In the kitchen, I feel super prepared. I've accumulated so much stuff; been given lots of tools from grandparents and my mom and friends; I usually always have what I need.  Except for lately... When I moved, I didn't think of the most important tool I need to do ANYTHING related to my baking -- a mixer.  Ohhhhh it's been fun without one! I've been hand mixing cakes (I make 4-6 a week).  I've been whisking and mixing and using my little $19 smoothie mixer from Target to break things down and sort of mix them.  Meanwhile, I've been ferociously stalking any website that carries Kitchenaid stand mixers, waiting for them to go on sale.. and today was the day!!

My baby! God it's beautiful!  Yes, I dream for the 7qt, but that will be on my wedding shower registry ;) This baby will hold me over!

So naturally I rushed home, decided I'd go for a run, and use the mixer to motivate me to move my butt so I could get back and use it!  And that is what I did!

I made five ingredient protein bars! Delicious, so easy, and healthy!).  The thing about protein bars is most of the recipes call for some sort of flour other than gluten flour (rice flour, almond flour, coconut flour) which are all so drying and end up tasting awful, especially when mixed with protein powder (also drying!).  I am using oats instead!  I like this recipe because it omits flour (yay!), is low on sugar, and is still moist and yummy!

The first five ingredients are the base. The "Optional" ingredients are what make them yummier! Use whatever you'd like!

Five Ingredient Protein Bars

2 Cups of Oats (I had instant oatmeal on hand, worked great)
1 Cup Almond Butter, plus more for later (you can use PB if you want)
2 Scoops Protein Powder  (I used vanilla)
1/3 Cup Honey, plus more for later
1/4 Cup Almond Milk, plus more for later

1/4 Cup Chocolate or Butterscotch Chips
1/4 Cup Dried Fruit (cherries, cranberries)
Shredded Coconut

Preheat oven to 350.  Spray a glass 8X8 baking dish with non-stick spray.  Combine oats, almond butter, protein powder, honey and almond milk in a mixer until combined.

It should not be soupy! You want minimal liquid, just enough so it all sticks together. Essentially you should be able to pick up the entire mixture as a "ball." 

Add in a little more almond butter and a little more honey if needed, until your mixture is sticking together.  If desired, toss in chocolate or butterscotch chips and/or dried fruit. Pour your mixture into the prepared baking dish.  

Press your mixture into the dish, covering the bottom.

If desired, drizzle honey on top and sprinkle coconut shavings on top.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.  Let cool, cut up, and eat one a day in the AM to stave off those 10:00am hunger grumblings :)

I already ate one!

There's so many things you can do with this 5-ingredient base. Have fun with it!

Well this weekend is the start of my busy month!  Some really exciting projects to come, can't wait to share here on the blog! Stay tuned!


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