Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Little Disney Magic

Every summer when I was little, my parents packed up the car with suitcases, snacks, pillows and car games and we made the drive from New England to Florida to go to Disney World.  My aunt, uncle and cousins came too, and together the eight of us made the best memories of our childhoods. Hot, sticky days spent waiting in lines to meet Mickey mouse, looking forward to the ride lines that had the fans that blew mist onto you... buying waters and making them last as long as possible because they were like $10 a bottle... spending days at the pool or at the beach.. picking out our souvenirs.. We had so much fun.. Disney definitely holds a special place in my heart.

This display has been in the works for months. An old high school classmate of mine reached out to me to create a display for his sister and her fiancee's Jack & Jill that would be completely Disney themed since the couple is planning to be married there in a few months! Obviously I was thrilled to do it!

This display included a lot of fondant work. I wanted it too look authentic and fun! We went with the classic red, white and black colors to capture the essence of Mickey and Minnie.

These Mickey sprinkles were a great find on Amazon that added a great touch!

I picked up some Mickey scrapbook paper and put it together to make a mat that the plates would sit on.  I also included some romantic quotes from famous Disney movies and typed them into a Disney font generator which I thought was so cool!  The Disney font is so distinct, and this really added to the authenticity of my display.

Recently I have invested in a lot of fondant tools so I can start enhancing the displays and getting more into detail.  I created dresses for Belle and Cinderella, as we decided to include them in the display as well!

More details.. Aren't the Mickey & Minnie so adorable! I feel like they are looking off into the distance at their future together.


 A plate of Disney treats! Mickey & Minnie, Cinderella's glass slippers and Belle's red roses.

 Finished display! I love how you could see the mat through the clear glass plates.

 Cinderella and her carriage and glass slipper!

And Belle with her red roses!

I really loved doing this display and I hope everyone enjoyed it! The details really made it and I love this color scheme! Disney themes are the best themes and this one definitely brought me back to my childhood.


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