Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Birch Tree Engagement Cake

In 6th grade, we became best friends.  Inseparable best friends.  Our teacher knew it, and she would let us "take a break" and go for walks around the school to get all of the chatter out of us so we'd stop talking in class... Middle school came around and it was all about planning school dances, watching the boys we liked play sports after school, and having sleepovers.. High school brought us the most fun, filled with parties, Chinese food nights blaring Paula Abdul, and tons of memories I'll never forget.. Growing up with Maureen was FUN.

Our 17 year old selves got in the way, and we didn't see or speak to each other for four years.  One fateful "sighting" prompted her to give me a call, and ever since that call Maureen has been the most important friend in my life.  All of my best memories of the later years of college, summers, birthdays and all of our milestones are with her. We sit for hours with each other, drinking wine and talking about life.  It's the best, and she truly is the sister I have never had.

The most important milestone thus far, is Maureen's engagement to Caleb, her boyfriend of 9 years. I met Caleb as soon as I reconnected with Maureen, and instantly I could see the connection the two shared.  Their love for each other radiates from them both... Even when he's outside doing his thing, and she is inside doing her thing, he pops in and gives her a quick kiss and you can tell just being around each other makes them happy.  I am so friggen happy for the both of them, and so excited to be a bridesmaid in their wedding!

Yesterday we celebrated their engagement with all of their families and friends, and I made a cake for the two that I think encompasses them as a couple.. Rustic, fall-themed, and sweet!

I am still new at covering cakes in fondant.. My fondant bubbled a bit which after researching I've found out what I did wrong.. but I think it actually worked for this cake as the birch isn't supposed to be perfect.  Distressing the fondant and painting it to give it a birch tree look was scary but I think it worked!  I also created the leaves using real leaves and pressing the fondant into the leaves to get the veins to show!   The cake was a spice cake with pumpkin spice butter cream, since those flavors are all the rage right now!

The initials were my favorite part.. carved into a tree for all of eternity.. so romantic!

The cake was a hit and they both loved it which melts my heart because that is why I do what I do! To make people happy :)

Many more to come!! Congratulations you two crazy kids!! It is going to be an exciting year!


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