Monday, March 16, 2015

Births & Birthdays [Featuring the Ribbon Cake]

This weekend's baked goods revolved around new birth and birthdays! 

One of the best things about food is that it unites people.  People come together to celebrate milestones such as birthdays, baby showers, weddings... and food is always involved.  That's why when someone asks me if I can make a personalized dessert for them to present at their event, I am so extremely flattered because I know the intimate role food plays at gatherings. 

My first project was for a friend from high school, Kristine, who is expecting her first baby girl!  She asked for cake pops and baby heads, but gave me the creative freedom to come up with the rest! I felt like with spring on the way, flower and pastels would be the perfect mix! 

I love putting little flower headbands on them! And the crying babies are always my favorite.. Just trying to keep it real, right? They aren't angelic all the time!

My second project of the weekend came on Sunday when my family and I celebrated my Yia Yia's 87th birthday! My Dad asked me if I could make a cake, so I decided on a tall, three layer chocolate-peanut butter cake with a butter pecan butter cream.  I absolutely love chocolate peanut butter and I've made this cake before, knowing how moist and decadent it always comes out! 

 I chose butter pecan as the butter cream flavor because I wanted the taste to be rich, and bring out the peanut butter flavor in the cake, which it did! I found a new butter cream recipe that said to add 1 tbsp of light corn syrup for every cup of frosting, and wow what a difference! This butter cream was soft, smooth and creamy while still holding it's shape for piping.

I had wanted to try vertical butter cream ruffles for a while, and decided that this would be the cake I could experiment on, it being a family cake and all.  I used a Wilton 125 flower petal tip, keeping the fat end dug into the cake as I piped back and forth to create a ribbon pattern.

It did not come out perfect, and not as straight up as I wanted, but I have to admit I think this is pretty good for my first attempt! 

For the top, I decided to pipe flower petals to make one giant flower-like pattern!  I then created a flower out of fondant that I kept folding and pieced together. I thought the design was very simple but elegant.  I chose pink butter cream only because I had this cake plate tucked away and have been dying to use it!  

My Yia Yia loved it!

I really love this picture because it represents me and the relationship I have with my Yia Yia. Growing up I'd sit in this kitchen with her and she would teach me how to make all types of food and mostly desserts, from sugar cookies to greek pastries, and even how to steam milk for hot chocolate! She never cared if I made a mess... that was half the fun! And even if the cookies were ugly, she said they were beautiful!  Her skills in the kitchen are amazing, and at 87 she still cooks every single day for her and my Papou.  I hope to still be cooking at her age! I know her love for food has been instilled in me, and I am forever grateful! 

Yes, I consumed this whole piece, ice cream and all.. how can you not!? Worked out all week, ate healthy, and avoided every drop of alcohol all week, knowing I was going to consume this baby!! 


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