Monday, May 9, 2016

Ok, I'm Back with Some Yummy Things...

I got married. It is the only excuse I have for not blogging in 6 months!

I took some time off from baking and blogging while we planned and successfully executed our wedding!  It was the best day ever and we are still floating on cloud nine from it even two months later!  The planning was easy but still exhausting and so we took a nice, long two week honeymoon to Iceland and the Netherlands! I didn't want to come home... 

Now we are settled back into every day life and I am back baking like a feign.  

My first project back from my little hiatus was a 2nd birthday for my coworker's daughter.  He said "give me something girly with pink" -- easily done!! I decided on butterflies of different sorts with a pink and purple theme.  I individually wrapped them and they handed them out to their family and friends as a party favor!  

Next up were my favorite little baby heads for my friend Liz's gender reveal party! Every time I make these little things I can't help but smile.  Each one comes out with it's own personality...and I always add a few criers in there--gotta give the soon-to-be parents a taste of what they're in for, right!? 

Next was a delicious lumberjack cake for my cousin Nick's 29th birthday!  What I thought would be a major challenge ended up being pretty easy.  This was vanilla bean cake with brown butter vanilla butter cream (say that five times fast!). When I googled for inspiration for this cake, I saw a lot them had been done with fondant and I wanted to stay away from it.. but I ended up texturing the buttercream into bark with a butter knife and I was super happy with the results! I also ordered a super cute ax lollipop mold and used chocolate to make the ax for the top! The entire cake was devoured in about five minutes! 

Also thrown into the mix this month was a simple and pretty blue wedding sampler for a couple who I have the pleasure of catering for in two weeks!

Lastly, some delicious cupcakes for my friend Becky. I had fun with these and discovered that pulverizing Oreo cookies in the food processor and then folding them into fresh vanilla buttercream makes for the most delicious butter cream in the entire world!  These were ice cream sundae, cookie dough, cookies and cream, and peanut butter crunch.  YUM! 

Working on two orders this week that I am excited for and can't wait to share! 


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