Monday, October 5, 2015

Bachelorette "Stripper Cake"

Just when I thought life couldn't get any crazier.... life went and got crazier!

I haven't blogged much, mostly because my weekends have been go go go GO at 100MPH constantly and it has been quite overwhelming! So in order to catch up a bit, I am going to post a series of catch up posts to share what's been going on in my life and the yummy goodies I've been creating lately!

First off, August started off with a bang when we took my best friend Maureen out for her Bachelorette party! A group of us girls too Maureen to a hotel where we had pre-party snacks and drinks, then went out for a yummy Italian dinner then headed out to a bar where we danced and drank the night away!  Of course, the night had to be accompanied by a cake! Maureen had said no way to strippers but I felt we needed to slip something hilariously "inappropriate" in there somewhere... and the stripper cake was born!

Let me tell you, being a 26 year old in Toys R' Us in search for a Ken doll was an experience.  I luckily found a cute little doll on sale (I was gonna rip his legs off anyways!) and when I proceeded to the check out line, I think the cashier was a bit confused.  She looked at me, with no children in tow (obviously) and was clearly curious as to why I had a barbie doll in my hands.

"Do you need a gift reciept for this barbie doll?"

-- No..

 "Do you need it gift wrapped?"


"Will you be putting this on your Toys R' Us credit card today?"


"Do you want to open up a Toys R' Us credit card today?"

--No.. I don't have kids, I don't shop here.

"Uhh.... Does your friend need a man?" 

LOL we will just leave it at that! I definitely do not enjoy that store!!

So we ate cake and named the sexy Ken doll Calvin Harris... And it turned out really great!!!! 

What fun memories with my best friend!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this cake looks brilliant. Great job my friend. What would be more interesting theme for a Bachelorette party cake? I loved it a lot! Anyway, attending funky Bachelorette party at one of my favorite venues San Francisco was also great experience for me. This party had been organized on last weekend and we all had blasting time
